We swear this isn't a trap, folks! The BOP Crew is finally taking off for that galaxy far, far away for a round-table discussion on the most holiest of trilogies: STAR WARS! The original, the best. From new hopes, to Empires striking back, to Jedi returning - we cover it all! Plus fond recollections of 'lil versions of your hosts playing with Dash Rendar figures. The geek flag is flying high on this one, people. Ever wanted an in-depth analysis of the meanings and philosophies of a movie featuring a gangster space slug? Then this IS the podcast you're looking for! Now let's blow this thing and go home... before this argument about Boba Fett gets any more heated.
Many Bothans died to bring you this episode, so don't let their sacrifice go to waste by downloading it into your protocol droid right here.