Oh, hello there. Perhaps you're familiar with my work; taco truck drag racer, international assassin, the asshole who went all Ken from Street Fighter on Kitty Pryde that one time. La piscina de la Muerte! The Pool of The Death! Or as the cover to my 1998 solo rap album reads, "$cams." But I, Deadpool, am not here to sell you on the several thousand unsold copies of "The Sun Soaked Streets of LA Through the Prism of A Genetically Altered Canadian: An Epic Acapella Rap," only 9.99. No! I'm here to tell you folks about my favorite podcast(right behind Nordic Food Lab), and the episode they've done all about yours truly! The BOP Crew is giving their Maximum Effort(copyright me) to talk about DEADPOOL: The Motion Picture. You know, the newest movie by the company who tried to kill me to the best of their ability. But like tuna, you can't rub me out despite my pasty taste. Anyways. They discuss everything, from their favorite jokes, how sexy and talented Director Tim Miller is(personal friend and cuddle buddy), to the long and arduous 10 year journey it took for my profanity laden adventures to hit the silver screen. Also, that one time Ryan Reynolds and I tried to transport Coors into Georgia. Enjoy!
Tickle Deadpool's funny bone(among other things) by downloading the episode here!
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