Captain America: Civil War - Box Office Pulp Podcast | Movie Reviews | Film Analysis

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Captain America: Civil War

The BOP Crew are trying to stop Box Office Pulp from being torn apart... but Cody did that the moment he lost his original intro. It's an all out Civil War of the American variety, as Iron Mike and Captain Cody come to blows over what makes a good ratio of dick jokes, while a horrified Spider-James looks on from the distance, all of them made completely unaware that this discussion was only a scheme perpetrated by the surprisingly capable Baron MB. Just how many superhero puns can the group make when talking about Marvel Studios' latest summer blockbuster, CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR? Come and find out, but you better be damn sure that you're bringing Mission Report, December 16th, 1991, with you.

You may not deserve to carry that shield, but you do deserve to download the episode by clicking here!

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