Tales From The BOP: THE MUMMY (2017) - Box Office Pulp Podcast | Movie Reviews | Film Analysis

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Tales From The BOP: THE MUMMY (2017)

Leave your bright and sunny universe behind and take a step into a Da-- oh, sorry, as I was typing that, that entire initiative was cancelled. ANYWAYS, you may no longer be able to wander the secretive halls of Prodigium again anytime soon, but you can wander the halls of Cody's Memory Palace! Come inside, kiddies, for a new installment of Taaaaales Froooom The BOOOOOOOP! In which films not on the "must see!" spectrum are retold to you by one of our illustrious Crew members, who took the plunge into movie muck so you don't have to! This time, Cody recounts, like an exposition spewing Doc Jekyll, that time a major studio buried themselves alive like so many Imhotep's by placing their Cinematic Universe hopes in the hands of a crazy, running in place Scientologist. Prepare for a world of God's, Monsters, perplexing plot turns, Tom Cruise being an asshole, and a Pyramid's worth of over-done flashbacks. It's the first and only Dark Universe entry -- THE MUMMY!

Mummies alive! Avoid getting cursed by downloading the episode now!

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